Photographic Libraries

Most organisations, charities, clubs, publishers, and even commercial businesses will have a photographic library lurking amongst its files. These are irreplacable snapshots of the organisation’s history and personnel, and ought to be preserved.

To properly conserve a photographic library (either for posterity or for study and information exchange), you need a suitable environment in which to store the media, which can be expensive in terms of space and cost. Even then every last type of physical photograph has a limited lifespan. Exposure and time cause deterioration of the composite materials and thus the quality of the image captured also diminishes.

A better solution is to create a digital archive of your photographic library. You will then forever have a perfectly preserved digital copy of each photo, instantly accessible from any digital device (and without having to disturb the original). Not only this, but SDS Scanning Bureau can provide indexing solutions to make it easier and infinitely quicker to find specific photos (searching and ordering by meta data, title, date and so on) than shuffling through reams of albums.

It doesn’t matter if your library comprises a number of different formats (prints, negative reels or rolls, transparencies, glass slides, APS or other proprietary photo sizes, or even framed pictures). SDS Scanning Bureau will scan and process the files and return you a seamless collection of digital facsmilies. The sooner you digitise your photos, the better the quality of the copy. We are able to post-process images, including re-touching and noise removal, where appropriate. Call us on 01202 496513 for more information about our photographic library scanning and archiving services.
